Course details

Name: ENWR - 220


Section: 03

Semester: Fall - 2012

Credits: 3

• To strengthen students' ability to read and analyze literary texts and to write sophisticated academic essays about them.
• To provide students with intensive writing instruction through teacher commentary, revision, peer feedback, lecture and discussion, in-class writing exercises on particular aspects of analytic writing, and examination of model essays.
• To assess students’ abilities in analytic writing as part of the Graduation Requirement in Writing.

Course Overview

1. Students will be assigned between three and five formal analytic essays for a total of 5000-6000 words.
2. Students will revise their essays after feedback from peers and the instructor.
3. Students will be complete informal writing assignments designed to support their analytic writing abilities. These may include specific work on parts of an essay, reading notes, and self-assessments of their own reading and writing.
4. Students will read and analyze texts from three genres: fiction poetry, and drama.
5. Students will be given instruction in the conventions of writing in the major, including MLA documentation and a review of literary terms and resources common to the discipline.

Last updated on 2012-03-31 By Slocum Keith (slocumk)

Schedule: Monday,Wednesday From 4:00 pm To 5:15 pm

Graduation requirements:

  • ()

Teaching Faculty: Slocum Keith (slocumk)

Is course canceled: No